Bacamarte is a Brazilian septet including Mario Neto (guitar/vocals), Sergio Villarim (keyboards), Delto Simas (bass), Marco Verrissimo (drums), Marcus Moura (flute/accordeon), Mr. Paul (percussion) and Jane Dubloc (vocals). A rich and symphonic music with wonderful keyboards and a very nice flute which enlightens the compositions full of interest and detours. A few female vocal interventions complete to enrich this great work. The band surpasses their influences: LOCANDA DEL FATE, PFM, QUELLA VECCHIA LOCANDA and ILLUSION.
They made two albums entitled "Depois Do Fim" (’83) and "Sete Cidades" (198?). In ’95 Rarity Records released their first LP on CD with the addition of a bonustrack (from their second LP). The CD "Depois Do Fim" is one of the highlights of the South-American progrock: a compelling blend of varied keyboards (vintage synthesizers, strings, piano, organ), skillful acoustic and electric guitar and strong Portuguese vocals. The nine compositions (four instrumental) sound warm and elaborate with many changing atmospheres. I’m mostly impressed by Mario Neto’s alternating guitarplay: from powerful and howling electric guitar to a slight Andalusian touch and classical like JOHN WILLIAMS (Sky-era) or using the tremolo-technique on the Spanish guitar (like "Recuerdos de la Alhambra" from TARREGA). Not to be missed by any serious progrock aficionado!
- - Jane Duboc / vocals
- - Márcus Moura / flute, accordion
- - Mario Neto / acoustic & electric guitars
- - Mr. Paul / percussion
- - Delto Simas / acoustic & electric basses
- - Marco Verissimo / drums- Sergio Villarim / keyboards
- -UFO (6:26)
- -Smog Alado (4:11)
- -Miragem (4:54)
- -Pássaro De Luz (2:28)
- -Caño (1:59)
- -Último Entardecer (9:29)
- -Controvérsia (1:57)
- -Depois do Fim (6:31)
- -Mirante das Estrelas (6:11)
Link: http://lix.in/47fb64
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